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News Brief

Nov. 1, 2019Burlington Junction, MO |  By: Jim Faris

Missing person in Burlington Junction found

A missing person was found Monday in the rural Burlington Junction area.

Nodaway County Sheriff Randy Strong says the person's family did not notice the individual had not returned from a walk.

"And they began looking for the person.  They were unsuccessful and now it was getting dark.  And of course the temperatures were dropping and it was snowing. They contacted the 9-1-1 center here at the Sheriff's Office.  Two deputies responded to that, one being a supervisor.  I was notified.  We went out there.  Two deputies were already searching the location; there was an area this person liked to walk to.  And we quickly determined that we needed additional manpower.  We had some great help from our first responders.  They showed up with some ATVs and some lights.  Their medical first responders were there.  About 10 o'clock, one of the searchers on an ATV found the person in a ditch.  They had just gotten to the point that they couldn't walk anymore."

The person was medically assessed and sent to Mosaic in Maryville.